What is Server Hosting ? Best Virtual & Dedicated Server

Server hosting is maintenance, and management of hardware resources that are designated for the use of the company. Companies need to pay for hosting service to the company that offers the hosting service, which in lieu provides a full IT infrastructure. A typical server hosting solution is made up of three server hosting services:

Managed Hosting

  • In managed hosting, the server resources are leased by the company for onsite use.
  •  In managed hosting, the server is delivered to the lessee by the hosting service provider and also installed typically by the hosting service company.

The advantage is that the lessee controls the hardware, operating system and software. However, if there is an issue in the server, the hosting service maintains and monitors the server.

Virtual Private Servers

The Virtual Private Servers are created by a setting up a single server and virtually installing multiple servers over it. 

Dedicated Server

Dedicated servers are perfect for those companies that have websites which receive high volumes of traffic which can go upto as much as in the millions.
A dedicated server renders a unique and devoted amount of memory, hard disk space and bandwidth. These let the hosting service to limit the amount of usage without affecting other clients’ experiences.
If  you are in need of servers and you need to choose the best dedicated server, you need to keep the following points to choose the servers:

High Reliability: The best dedicated servers are highly reliable that is your data on server would not be shared with anyone else
High Security:  The best dedicated servers provide firewall protection and anti-virus protection to protect the client data.
Customization :  A client can customize the data according to his/her own choice.

The server hosting is becoming the need of the IT world and the growing companies and even the established take the service of server hosting.